Category Archives: Membership Sites Info

The Importance of an Affiliate Program to Membership Sites

Affiliate programs are important to membership sites for a number of good reasons. An affiliate program isn’t really a program. It’s a business arrangement. Affiliate programs are also known as associate programs, associates programs, referral programs and even bounty programs. Most affiliate programs are free to join. Affiliate programs are a way to earn money without producing your own product. Affiliate programs allow a membership website to generate additional (other than the membership subscription) income by advertising products that are relevant to the site’s theme. For example, […]

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Starting a Free Membership Site

Basically, a free membership site is a site where the user is not charged a membership fee to use the site but is required to supply their e-mail address, choose a user name and password to enter the site, participate in the discussions and activities. Sometimes free memberships are limited to less useful information or access while paid memberships have full access. A large entity like MSN, for example, allows members to access most things on their sites without the need for any sign in procedure at […]

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Building and Running a Membership Website With Ease

Selling fish is entirely different from selling access to a membership website. It can be a bundle of joy putting a membership website together. When you start running a membership website it can become lucrative, particularly if you have recurring monthly members format. Membership websites are often something that most people wanted to design for years. Another advantage of running a membership website is that the start-up cost is affordable. Despite that one can afford to open a membership website, not everyone is prepared for the change. […]

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